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Post Graduate Courses in UK in

Pediatric Dentistry

University of Dundee

MDPH - Dental public Health

UK - £ 9150 per year of study
International - £ 22,950 per year of study

12 months Full Time

University of Edinburgh

DClinDent in Pediatric Dentistry

UK - £21,900
International - £49,050

Three-year Full Time

Queen Mary University of London -QMUL

DClinDent - Pediatric Dentistry

UK: £30,850
International: £53,450

3 years Full Time

University College London -UCL

MSc - Pediatric Dentistry

Fees for 2019/20 are as follows: Years 1, 2 or 3: £5,967 (UK/EU), £7,264 (Overseas).

Part time: 3 years
Flexible: up to 5 years
Distance learning: available
Part-time students are expected to attend the Eastman for week blocks for skills lab training (Two in year 1, and one in years 2 & 3 respectively). The exam days at the end of each year will be held online

University College London -UCL

DDent Dentistry

UK:£18,120 (FT)
Overseas:£46,120 (FT)

DDent - 3 year full time

University of Liverpool

DDSc - Pediatric Dentistry

UK - £7,571.
International - £36,099.


University of Manchester

MSc -Pediatric dentistry

MSc (full-time)
UK students (per annum): £47,000
International, including EU, students (per annum): £47,000

3 year Full Time

University of Sheffield

DClinDent , Paediatric Dentistry

Home (2021 annual fee) : £37,900
Overseas (2021 annual fee) : £48,900

3 year- Full Time

Kings College London - KCL

MSc - Pediatric Dentistry

Full time Home fees: £16,080 per year (2021/22)
Full time overseas fees: £51,360 per year (2021/22)

2 years Full time

University of Sheffield

MClinDent , Paediatric Dentistry

Home (2021 annual fee) : £37,900
Overseas (2021 annual fee) : £48,900

2 year- Full Time

University of Leeds

MSc Pediatric Dentistry

UK fees:
Not applicable
International fees:
£96,750 (total)

24 months full time
36 months part time

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